Ark of Hope Fellowship
Free Grace and Rapture-Ready! These are messages from our fellowship gatherings. We believe that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent and strive to equip believers to walk in the will of God during these trying last days. Please visit our website at for more resources and teachings.

Thanks for joining us!
We are a small fellowship in Georgia, focused on loving our community and drawing people to a relationship with Jesus Christ through His free gift of salvation.
If you strive to live for Jesus but have fallen on your face, remember that your salvation is not based on your faithfulness, but HIS! His burden is light and His yoke is easy. He doesn't hand you a list of rules when you get saved, but He does desire that you grow in your walk through discipleship! Discipleship and spiritual growth do not determine your eternal destination, but do determine your eternal rewards.
We want to encourage you to run your race and finish well!
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
“Things Which Thou Hast Seen” (Part 2-Revelation 1:9-20)
A King to dutifully wait for (1:9)
Christ’s glory for His heavenly family involves an earthly ___________.
A King to discover anew (1:10)
Christ’s glory __________ us for any struggle.
The King’s indelible writ (1:11)
Christ’s glory is communicated through the ___________ Word.
The King with His people (1:12-13a)
Christ’s glory, as Son of Man, sustains His people on their __________.
The King’s regalia (1:13b)
Christ’s glory combines the Melchizedekian glory of ________ and _________.
The King’s sevenfold glory (1:14-16)
Christ’s glory is terrible in its ________ and tender in its __________.
The King’s endless bounty (1:17-18)
Christ’s glory was ______________ and reclaimed to ________ the condemned.
The King’s explanation (1:19-20)
Christ’s glory is presented ___________ to those who have ears to hear.
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
“Things Which Thou Hast Seen” (Part 1-Rev. 1:1-8)
*Main thought for today: Have you ever seen Him? If so, are you continually beholding Him (2 Pet. 1:19; 2 Cor. 4:16)?
• I. A revelation from (1a)
◦ Revelation is not a project, but an encounter between the Maker and what He has made.
• II. A mediator to the gap (1b)
◦ Revelation is not of human effort, but intercession (Matt. 11:27).
• III. A mystery through a messenger (1c)
◦ Revelation is carried to the world by believers as holy priests (Acts 8:31; Rom. 10:15).
• IV. A grateful recipient his call (2)
◦ Revelation is a mission of personal delegation, not self-centered gratification.
• V. An audience with a pressing (3)
◦ Revelation gives us a promise, not predetermination.
• VI. A God for His whole people (4)
◦ Revelation is about a God who is not only perfect in essence but also in action.
• VII. An Savior (5a)
◦ Revelation reveals a Jesus who is not weak, but fully capable to deliver and satisfy us.
• VIII. A Savior (5b-6a)
◦ Revelation reveals a Jesus who is not tyrannical, but eager to bless.
• IX. A Savior who be worshipped (6b)
◦ Revelation prompts a worship which does not need to be forced because it is deserved.
• X. A Savior who be worshipped (7)
◦ Revelation reveals a Jesus who is inescapable and the One to whom we all must answer.
• XI. A of the chosen (7e)
◦ Revelation prompts a heart of faith to say “amen” from first to last.
• XII. An omnipotent of all (8)
◦ Revelation reminds us to not limit an unlimited God with our fears (Heb. 1:10-12).
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
“The King Is Coming!” (1 Thess. 5:1-11)
The Gospel stresses the imminency of the Lord in general.
Our frail life (James 4:14; Luke 12:20)
Before considering how no one knows the timing of the Lord’s return to this world, it is good to be reminded that we have no way of knowing when we will be taken out of this world.
His sudden return (Mt. 24:36, 42-44)
For all we have studied in this series, no Scripture gives us the hour, day, month, year, century, or millennium in which Christ will return. The Lord kept things purposely vague in this regard.
Moreover, we must not read our experience into the statements of Scripture, to think that Christ could not have returned earlier in history. His return has been imminent since He ascended from the Mount of Olives.
At this point one might wonder if septamillennialism stands opposed to imminency. While my explanation of Hosea 6:2 is certainly based on a diligent study of Scripture, the texts are not so clear as to require the septamillennial view. God left His Word open enough to permit different possibilities (See the Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible.). Indeed, it could be that the Hosea prophecy has more than one reference (See The Henry Morris Study Bible. Cf. Joel 2:231). If so, at the very least, the text promises the two-part salvation of Israel through the Messiah’s death and resurrection. At the most, it suggests the end of Israel’s unbelief in our lifetime. These ideas are not mutually exclusive (Cf. Hosea 11:1; Mt. 2:15). Such a double reference would be in line with God’s purpose of concealing the exact time of His return.2 Additionally, no one knows precisely when six thousand years will be reached, and in any case the question pertains to the Second Coming, not the Rapture.
The Gospel stresses the imminency of the Lord’s return in particular.
Encouragement for believers: Our longing will end!
Motivation for believers: Our suffering will be rewards!
Warning to unbelievers: Our flesh will pass away…
Conclusion: Our Gospel presentation must include the Lord’s return without excluding the obvious fact that we, and our hearers, may die before this event.
This concept of “dual imminency” is neglected by those who ignore the subject of eschatology in their preaching.
It is also neglected by those who deny the intermediate state of disembodied souls or those who promote post-mortem salvation.
1 It is interesting that the “latter rain,” or spring rain, is heavier than the “former rain,” fall rain. If the “former rain” refers to the second coming and the “latter rain” to the first, then we have God’s Word telling us that the first coming of Christ is more important than His return! We often think of the cross as somehow less than the conquest, but the reality is that the cross is the conquest. The payment has been made and it is only for Jesus to reveal what He has purchased (Rom. 8:19, 30)! Jesus has already destroyed the barrier between us and God. And at the appointed time we will go through it. Maranatha!
2 Consider Daniel 12:4. We live in the age of knowledge, including unprecedented interest in Bible prophecy. Perhaps the septamillennial view has become popular again because the seventh millennium is truly at hand.
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023