Ark of Hope Fellowship
Free Grace and Rapture-Ready! These are messages from our fellowship gatherings. We believe that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent and strive to equip believers to walk in the will of God during these trying last days. Please visit our website at for more resources and teachings.

Thanks for joining us!
We are a small fellowship in Georgia, focused on loving our community and drawing people to a relationship with Jesus Christ through His free gift of salvation.
If you strive to live for Jesus but have fallen on your face, remember that your salvation is not based on your faithfulness, but HIS! His burden is light and His yoke is easy. He doesn't hand you a list of rules when you get saved, but He does desire that you grow in your walk through discipleship! Discipleship and spiritual growth do not determine your eternal destination, but do determine your eternal rewards.
We want to encourage you to run your race and finish well!
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
The Fellowship's Membership and Opposition (1 John 2:12-23)
I. Attainable Attributes: The ____________ of the Family (12-14)
Who are we?
"Little Children" - vulnerable and trusting (forgiveness)
"Fathers" - farseeing and humble (knowledge)
"Young Men" - strong and bold (victory)
II. Well-Balanced Worldview: The ______________ of the family (15-17)
How to see the world around us?
"Lust of the flesh" - sin comes from within
"Lust of the eyes" - sin appeals to our senses
"Pride of Life" - sin wants autonomy
III. Inevitable Infiltration: The _______________ of the Family (18-23)
Are we on our guard?
What does "last time" mean? Rev. 22;20
Who are "they"? 1 John 4:4-6; 2 John 7-9; Acts 15:1,24
Who exactly is the Antichrist? 2 Thes 2:7
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Pastor Buddy discusses Biblical "evolution"; the Biblical basis for Modern Science
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Part 2 The Fellowship's Antithesis
1 John 2:1-11
Our Help: Advocate and Advantage (verses 1-2)Sinning after being born again is unnatural but inevitable, so we must depend on our Advocate for assurance of our position and strength in our practice.
Our Occupation: Commandments and Communion (verses 3-6)Keeping God's commandments is necessary to abide in fellowship and deepen our personal knowledge of Him.
Our Warning: Darkness and Disappointment (verses 7-11) The greatest event in history has happened for our benefit: the Incarnation.As such, we must walk in this new Light, or else live outside of Christ's blessed favor.
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Part 1: The Fellowship's Design (1 John 1)
The fellowship is...
Metaphysical: It flows from the eternal and ____________ nature of God (1-3).Our fellowship with God is grounded in a relationship that we participate in through spiritual adoption. God's love for His Son and the latter's reciprocal love have existed prior to the creation of time itself.
Historical: It is objective, based on ____________ accounts (1-3).John reassures us that our fellowship is founded on observable evidence. Being based on metaphysical reality, this evidence provides us with the confirmation our human minds demand.
Experimental: It is _______________, based on faith (4).Metaphysical and historical truth will never satisfy us unless it becomes an individual reality. Humans desire a meaningful and transformative relationship. The facts become personal through faith and intimacy with God grows as our faith does.
Purposeful: It reside in truth and ______________ (5-6).Enjoying our relationship with God necessitates being where He is, and He never leaves the light. Being His children, we have a new nature fro Him which draws us i deeper. If we want to know Him, we must be like Him (1 John 3:2). By being like Him we not only enrich our own lives, but we also bear His goodness to others. We begin to want others to love our God, as well as for them to experience His love.
Humble: It requires _______________ and remembrance (7-10).As we strive to be in the light, we are to be ever aware of our fallen flesh. We must not deceive ourselves into thinking our struggle is over. Such misguided thinking can lead to spiritual defeat when we sin (Rom. 7:24), but it can also lead to an arrogant attitude that hurts others.
Thursday May 19, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Today's message is about how we cannot obtain the righteousness of God while trying to hold out our own righteousness. We have two options in trying to reach God - following the law to obtain our own righteousness, which we can never accomplish OR following God's path to Himself by trusting in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Which are you trusting in?
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Tonight's discussion centered around the specific elements of the seder and how they point to the trinity, the crucifixion, the Father, the coming of John the Baptist and more!
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
This beautiful Sunday morning, we discussed the foreknowledge of God, how we must allow Christ to serve us through giving us salvation before we can in turn serve Him out of gratitude for His gift, and how we should live as a result of our gratitude.
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Join us as we study specific signs in the Passover that point very directly to Christ's crucifixion. It's so wild that we had to call in the fact-checker! (Continued study of Messianic Feasts)
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tonight we discuss Simon the Sorcerer (Simon the Magician, Simon Magus) and whether he was actually a believer...